Andy Newton
Chairman of Council & Executive Director
QAM FC Para, PhD, Consultant Paramedic &
Chief Executive at Newton London
serves as Chair of Council meetings for HPAC and as an Executive Director on
the Board, supporting the organisation’s mission to uphold professional
standards in health practice for registrants, patients, the public interest and
other stakeholders. As an executive director, he works under the strategic
leadership of the Chief Executive Officer, providing his time voluntarily to
Andy has extensive experience in the ambulance service sector. In September
2005, he was appointed as the UK’s first Consultant Paramedic and has held key
roles with the Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC) and other influential
Previously, Andy served as
Chairman of the College of Paramedics and spent 11 years as an NHS Executive,
working as Chief Clinical and Operations Director for South East Coast
Ambulance NHS Foundation Trust. In recent years, he has focused on developing and
advancing educational programmes for paramedics, including the critical care
paramedic and paramedic practitioner pathways and played a key role in the
transition of paramedic preparation from a training to an educational
model. Current, he works in consultancy, providing a range of services
including acting as an expert witness, for government agencies, regulators and
a variety of law firms.